Thursday, August 18, 2011


So I just watched the most inspiring video, that both moved me and brought a tear to my eye. The video shall not be named, for it is not needed. But the video inspired me to do great things and believe more in myself. First off, it made me think that, I shall not try to please everybody, but put myself first. For I am a nice person, I have troubles with saying no. I'm also very good at giving people advice on what not to do, but do the same mistakes myself. I should start living more like I learn. For I can't always be the strong person, I can't be the one standing strong at the end of day, if I don't put myself first. I must learn to love myself before I can really love someone else, for I am simply human. I make mistakes, I say things I should not say, I do regret some of the things I've said in the past, but most of it came from the heart, when I've been feed up with to much bullshit for to long. I never wish to hurt anyone, but it's inevitable sometimes. For I am tired of being taken advantage off. 

So what am I going to do about it? I shall for starters care less for those that does not care about me, the people that only call me when they need something from me. For those are'nt the people I need in my life. I shall start saying no to things I do not wish to do. 

I shall start living alittle more, surrond myself with people that are full of life. People that understand me, and accept me for whom I am. 

I shall now end this with a quote;

"What happens to a man is less significant than what happens within him."
       - Louis L. Mann

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