Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Novacane, baby.

Long time, no see. Is a common thing to say, when you have not seen someone in a while. I think it's a pretty boring phrase, or well every phrase that states it was a long time ago you've meet. Especially when it's someone you really don't want to meet, there is a reason why you ignore some, and don't give a fuck if you meet them ever again.

And then again, if it's the other way around. You meet someone you know and like and have not seen in a while. What if they think about what i stated above? What if they really don't like you. This is a vicous circle I suppose, or maybe a form of double standard? What do I know.

And you know what really grinds my gears? WOMEN! Or well most of 'em. You guys know the feeling of what I'm about to say. And for starters most of, or almost every woman out there is a fucking hypocrit! Especially if you are in a relationship. So just hear me out on this one.

There is always do and don't in a relationship, but apperently it only applies in some situations. For starters, if I were to go to the pub and whatnot, I'm an asshole who just wants to go out and drink myself completely wasted and hit on other women, and don't want to spend time with her, and blablabla. ERR WRONG, I got out to have a good time with my friends, but if you keep it up I might consider hitting on other women, your call. Okey, so same situation with the woman. I'm telling her, so wait; It's okey for you to go out clubbing and drinking yourself shitfaced and dance and whatnot with other guys? (EVEN if they say they don't do this, they do. It's a fact.) And you say I'm not allowed to go down to the pub and have a couple of beers with my friends? Sigh...

Another one, say your girlfriends best friend ever, is a guy that she's known for about 5 years maybe. And she says she's going to sleep over, and you say it's fine. (Altho you think something is up. No pun intended.) Speak no more of it. About a month later you say you are going to sleep over at your best friends place, a girl you've known since you went to kindergarden and have no sexual interest in. Your girlfriend have the balls to say you can't and bla bla bla, you are going to have sex with here, bla bla bla. BITCH YOU JUST DID THE SAME  THING A MONTH AGO. What's the diffrence?

You see the hypocrisy here? 

I can write you a novel on this shit, but meh. I can't be bothered with it. They will never understand what they did wrong, and why you get mad. And no, I'm not saying all women are like this, but most of 'em.

Live long and prosper.

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